What to do after a car accident?

  • Stop and stay calm. Never drive away from the scene of the accident, even a minor one.

    Safety. Check on everyone's safety and call emergency services if necessary.

    Call law enforcement authorities immediately. Stay at the scene until police file a complete report and ask questions.

    Take pictures. If you have a phone or camera handy, take pictures of the scene, damage of cars involved, and license plates.

    Make an accurate record. Make notes and/or a rough drawing to explain how the accident took place, this will help you remember details later on.

    Exchange information. Secure the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of the involved parties, including witnesses.

    Report the accident. Do not discuss the accident except the police or insurance company. Do not pay the other party.

    Call ELG Auto Body Shop, Inc. Have your vehicle towed to our shop if not safe to drive, if safe see us as soon as possible.

    Call your insurance or the other person involved in accident (depending whose fault it was). Notify them about the accident open a claim, and that you took the car to our shop.